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Mission 1: Unlock Your True Motivation

There’s a reason this mission is the first one.

Without motivation, you’re unlikely to succeed at your weight-loss goal.

The best knowledge, support, tools and resources will not be enough if they’re unsupported by a strong desire to be slimmer. No matter how good my system and suggestions are, you have to implement them. I can’t do this without you.

With motivation, you will succeed.

You may not lose as much weight as someone else, or at the same speed, but you will get slimmer. It’s that simple.

The secret is to tap into your true motivation for losing weight – which is often not the reason you think you want to lose weight.

This true motivation is the source of your weight-loss success.

So let’s find it and unlock its power.

Log in to read the rest of this mission and to access the resources in your 52 Weight Loss Missions Action Pack. Not yet a customer? Don’t miss out! Download your free sample. Or join now to get immediate access.

511 thoughts on “Mission 1 – Unlock Your Motivation

  1. Krystle Nikole Hummer says:

    Mission 1 is complete with decorated notebook and all. I thrive on organization and when I look in the mirror I see a mess. I want to focus on being healthier so that who I am inside matches what I see outside. This book should help me to organize my brain around all of my obstacles 🙂

  2. Krystle Nikole Hummer says:

    Mission 1 is complete with decorated notebook and all. I thrive on organization and when I look in the mirror I see a mess. I want to focus on being healthier so that who I am inside matches what I see outside. This book should help me to organize my brain around all of my obstacles 🙂

  3. Karen H. Phillips says:

    I drew a picture of my caped self as a superhero, Healthy Woman! Out of my list, my best motivation is that being healthier makes me a better person, Christian, wife, mother, daughter, friend, and writer.

  4. Karen H. Phillips says:

    I drew a picture of my caped self as a superhero, Healthy Woman! Out of my list, my best motivation is that being healthier makes me a better person, Christian, wife, mother, daughter, friend, and writer.

  5. Chris Majoroff says:

    well, may be off to a late start but I have completed mission one and feel very positive. so motivated I am about to go dust off the cobwebs on the treadmill and do a workout.

  6. Chris Majoroff says:

    well, may be off to a late start but I have completed mission one and feel very positive. so motivated I am about to go dust off the cobwebs on the treadmill and do a workout.

  7. Lori Prall Jeffries says:

    I thought that 20 reasons was a bit much, but I did it. It wasn’t until I got to number 18 that the real reasons came up. I want to lose weight because I want to regain control of my life and prove to myself that I can.

  8. Lori Prall Jeffries says:

    I thought that 20 reasons was a bit much, but I did it. It wasn’t until I got to number 18 that the real reasons came up. I want to lose weight because I want to regain control of my life and prove to myself that I can.

  9. Lawren Jackson says:

    My family and I are going to the beach in almost exactly one month, so this program is just what I need. I have about seven pounds to go to get to a healthy BMI (135 lbs for me since I’m 5’2″). I’m hoping this program helps me get there for the first time in my life!

  10. Lawren Jackson says:

    My family and I are going to the beach in almost exactly one month, so this program is just what I need. I have about seven pounds to go to get to a healthy BMI (135 lbs for me since I’m 5’2″). I’m hoping this program helps me get there for the first time in my life!

  11. Lisa Gorman says:

    There are 3 photos of my dad and I on my fridge when I was about 65 kilos (a really healthy weight for me). Dad was about 110 kilos in the photos and over the next two years he suffered terribly and died weighing 50 kilos. I don’t want to die this way but already I have signs of the condition he had which can be managed with good food and exercise. My motivation is to be free, to live life fully, without unnecessary pain!

  12. Lisa Gorman says:

    There are 3 photos of my dad and I on my fridge when I was about 65 kilos (a really healthy weight for me). Dad was about 110 kilos in the photos and over the next two years he suffered terribly and died weighing 50 kilos. I don’t want to die this way but already I have signs of the condition he had which can be managed with good food and exercise. My motivation is to be free, to live life fully, without unnecessary pain!

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