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Mission 1: Unlock Your True Motivation

There’s a reason this mission is the first one.

Without motivation, you’re unlikely to succeed at your weight-loss goal.

The best knowledge, support, tools and resources will not be enough if they’re unsupported by a strong desire to be slimmer. No matter how good my system and suggestions are, you have to implement them. I can’t do this without you.

With motivation, you will succeed.

You may not lose as much weight as someone else, or at the same speed, but you will get slimmer. It’s that simple.

The secret is to tap into your true motivation for losing weight – which is often not the reason you think you want to lose weight.

This true motivation is the source of your weight-loss success.

So let’s find it and unlock its power.

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511 thoughts on “Mission 1 – Unlock Your Motivation

  1. Rachelle Swanson says:

    I know that if I keep going the in the direction I’m headed, it will lead to disorder and chaos in many areas. Small steady steps in the right direction will result in a great feeling of peace, control and productiveness. This will be able to permeate many more areas than just weight!

  2. Rachelle Swanson says:

    I know that if I keep going the in the direction I’m headed, it will lead to disorder and chaos in many areas. Small steady steps in the right direction will result in a great feeling of peace, control and productiveness. This will be able to permeate many more areas than just weight!

  3. Francesca Kelly says:

    I clipped a picture of a skinny lady in a bikini years ago. I clipped it to motivate and remind me of how I want to look. I was too embarrassed to put it on the fridge, so I hid it in my cupboard. I wasn’t motivating me at all, so today I pulled it out and put it on my fridge where I can see it everyday. That lady looks great. That’s what I want. To look great in a bikini too. Is that superficial? Maybe, but hey, you only live once & if I want to look great while I’m alive I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. 😉

  4. Francesca Kelly says:

    I clipped a picture of a skinny lady in a bikini years ago. I clipped it to motivate and remind me of how I want to look. I was too embarrassed to put it on the fridge, so I hid it in my cupboard. I wasn’t motivating me at all, so today I pulled it out and put it on my fridge where I can see it everyday. That lady looks great. That’s what I want. To look great in a bikini too. Is that superficial? Maybe, but hey, you only live once & if I want to look great while I’m alive I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. 😉

  5. Brenda Lou Meier Kimaro says:

    Just finished Mission #1. I narrowed it down to two primary motivations for me:
    *Being healthy and active is the most important thing I can do for the well-being of my family.
    *I want this time in my life to be the absolute best it can be and being healthier and more fit will make it easier for me to achieve that.

  6. Brenda Lou Meier Kimaro says:

    Just finished Mission #1. I narrowed it down to two primary motivations for me:
    *Being healthy and active is the most important thing I can do for the well-being of my family.
    *I want this time in my life to be the absolute best it can be and being healthier and more fit will make it easier for me to achieve that.

  7. Pat Kriz says:

    I have so much to do and so little time to do it in, I’m hoping that by losing some weight, I’ll gain in energy, health and wisdom in order to complete my life’s journey and not ever be a burden to my son along the way. ~pk~

  8. Pat Kriz says:

    I have so much to do and so little time to do it in, I’m hoping that by losing some weight, I’ll gain in energy, health and wisdom in order to complete my life’s journey and not ever be a burden to my son along the way. ~pk~

  9. Kelli McElhinny says:

    I am going to motivate myself at first with small rewards (like 1/2 hour of reading for every day that I stick to my goal actions) to build good habits and then I think I might pick out a really special outfit that I’ll buy when I get to the right size. Ultimately, though, I want to shift my mindset to considering nutrition and wellness when I make diet and exercise choices, rather than weight loss.

  10. Kelli McElhinny says:

    I am going to motivate myself at first with small rewards (like 1/2 hour of reading for every day that I stick to my goal actions) to build good habits and then I think I might pick out a really special outfit that I’ll buy when I get to the right size. Ultimately, though, I want to shift my mindset to considering nutrition and wellness when I make diet and exercise choices, rather than weight loss.

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