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Mission 1: Unlock Your True Motivation

There’s a reason this mission is the first one.

Without motivation, you’re unlikely to succeed at your weight-loss goal.

The best knowledge, support, tools and resources will not be enough if they’re unsupported by a strong desire to be slimmer. No matter how good my system and suggestions are, you have to implement them. I can’t do this without you.

With motivation, you will succeed.

You may not lose as much weight as someone else, or at the same speed, but you will get slimmer. It’s that simple.

The secret is to tap into your true motivation for losing weight – which is often not the reason you think you want to lose weight.

This true motivation is the source of your weight-loss success.

So let’s find it and unlock its power.

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511 thoughts on “Mission 1 – Unlock Your Motivation

  1. Janice Nisly says:

    I want to be healthier because….I want to be able to stay strong and have the energy to fill God’s call on my life…to bless my family, enjoy life, and bless others!

  2. Janice Nisly says:

    I want to be healthier because….I want to be able to stay strong and have the energy to fill God’s call on my life…to bless my family, enjoy life, and bless others!

  3. Janice Nisly says:

    I want to be healthier because….I want to be able to stay strong and have the energy to fill God’s call on my life…to bless my family, enjoy life, and bless others!

  4. Donna Croom Roland says:

    My motivation is to get my life off hold, feel and look attractive so I will get out and enjoy life again. I work at home and very rarely go anywhere. I am a people person but have deprived myself because I am ashamed of how I look.

  5. Donna Croom Roland says:

    My motivation is to get my life off hold, feel and look attractive so I will get out and enjoy life again. I work at home and very rarely go anywhere. I am a people person but have deprived myself because I am ashamed of how I look.

  6. Donna Croom Roland says:

    My motivation is to get my life off hold, feel and look attractive so I will get out and enjoy life again. I work at home and very rarely go anywhere. I am a people person but have deprived myself because I am ashamed of how I look.

  7. Nicole Waters Almaraz says:

    Mission 1 completed. I am tired of the belly roll which is relatively new. I would love to be in a 14 again. And I really want my Mom to notice when she visits in May that I have lost some weight. I have written these in my online calendar and set it as a daily event so I can see my motivation.

  8. Nicole Waters Almaraz says:

    Mission 1 completed. I am tired of the belly roll which is relatively new. I would love to be in a 14 again. And I really want my Mom to notice when she visits in May that I have lost some weight. I have written these in my online calendar and set it as a daily event so I can see my motivation.

  9. Nicole Waters Almaraz says:

    Mission 1 completed. I am tired of the belly roll which is relatively new. I would love to be in a 14 again. And I really want my Mom to notice when she visits in May that I have lost some weight. I have written these in my online calendar and set it as a daily event so I can see my motivation.

  10. Sue Ann Bourbonniere says:

    I don’t want weight to be the issue that holds me back from accomplishing goals in other areas. If it’s no longer in the forefront of my mind, then I am free to move on to other projects. It’s on my mind too much of the time. Also, last time I was at my goal weight, I had way more energy and a lot less joint issues. I want to feel good like that again!

  11. Sue Ann Bourbonniere says:

    I don’t want weight to be the issue that holds me back from accomplishing goals in other areas. If it’s no longer in the forefront of my mind, then I am free to move on to other projects. It’s on my mind too much of the time. Also, last time I was at my goal weight, I had way more energy and a lot less joint issues. I want to feel good like that again!

  12. Sue Ann Bourbonniere says:

    I don’t want weight to be the issue that holds me back from accomplishing goals in other areas. If it’s no longer in the forefront of my mind, then I am free to move on to other projects. It’s on my mind too much of the time. Also, last time I was at my goal weight, I had way more energy and a lot less joint issues. I want to feel good like that again!

  13. Wendy Sanders says:

    Mainly I am motivated by how uncomfortable it is to carry extra weight around. Buying larger clothes does not solve this problem either. I know how energizing it feels to make healthy choices and I crave feeling that confidence again.

  14. Wendy Sanders says:

    Mainly I am motivated by how uncomfortable it is to carry extra weight around. Buying larger clothes does not solve this problem either. I know how energizing it feels to make healthy choices and I crave feeling that confidence again.

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