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Mission 1: Unlock Your True Motivation
There’s a reason this mission is the first one.
Without motivation, you’re unlikely to succeed at your weight-loss goal.
The best knowledge, support, tools and resources will not be enough if they’re unsupported by a strong desire to be slimmer. No matter how good my system and suggestions are, you have to implement them. I can’t do this without you.
With motivation, you will succeed.
You may not lose as much weight as someone else, or at the same speed, but you will get slimmer. It’s that simple.
The secret is to tap into your true motivation for losing weight – which is often not the reason you think you want to lose weight.
This true motivation is the source of your weight-loss success.
So let’s find it and unlock its power.
Log in to read the rest of this mission and to access the resources in your 52 Weight Loss Missions Action Pack. Not yet a customer? Don’t miss out! Download your free sample. Or join now to get immediate access.
Mainly I am motivated by how uncomfortable it is to carry extra weight around. Buying larger clothes does not solve this problem either. I know how energizing it feels to make healthy choices and I crave feeling that confidence again.
Mission #1 is complete. My two main motivations are to enjoy shopping and feel good in the clothes I wear as well as being “Fit @ 50” in the summer of 2013.
Mission #1 is complete. My two main motivations are to enjoy shopping and feel good in the clothes I wear as well as being “Fit @ 50” in the summer of 2013.
Mission #1 is complete. My two main motivations are to enjoy shopping and feel good in the clothes I wear as well as being “Fit @ 50” in the summer of 2013.
Made my list today — a day late. Most of my motivations are clustered around the following topics: to be more healthy, to have more energy and to look hot in tighter/less/no clothes!
Made my list today — a day late. Most of my motivations are clustered around the following topics: to be more healthy, to have more energy and to look hot in tighter/less/no clothes!
Made my list today — a day late. Most of my motivations are clustered around the following topics: to be more healthy, to have more energy and to look hot in tighter/less/no clothes!
Mission one is done. I put my notebook onto my computer… should I have a physical notebook instead? Anyone?
Mission one is done. I put my notebook onto my computer… should I have a physical notebook instead? Anyone?
Mission one is done. I put my notebook onto my computer… should I have a physical notebook instead? Anyone?
Mission 1 complete! Interesting to think about internal motivators for losing weight…
Mission 1 complete! Interesting to think about internal motivators for losing weight…
Mission 1 complete! Interesting to think about internal motivators for losing weight…
I just got the program tonite. I started the 30 day challenge on April 1st and I completed the first mission again tonite ( plus mission 2 from the 30 day challenge)! I know that by completing this I will feel better than ever and get to my ultimate goal is feeling better than I have and can ever remember. It’s my turn!
I just got the program tonite. I started the 30 day challenge on April 1st and I completed the first mission again tonite ( plus mission 2 from the 30 day challenge)! I know that by completing this I will feel better than ever and get to my ultimate goal is feeling better than I have and can ever remember. It’s my turn!
I just got the program tonite. I started the 30 day challenge on April 1st and I completed the first mission again tonite ( plus mission 2 from the 30 day challenge)! I know that by completing this I will feel better than ever and get to my ultimate goal is feeling better than I have and can ever remember. It’s my turn!
I completed this mission with the 30 day challenge, bur keeping myself focused on the why is going to be key for me to succeed.
I completed this mission with the 30 day challenge, bur keeping myself focused on the why is going to be key for me to succeed.
I completed this mission with the 30 day challenge, bur keeping myself focused on the why is going to be key for me to succeed.
I will admit this one was hard for me. My goals to lose weight were always someone else goals, not really mine. My biggest motivation to lose weight is just to look good naked and with clothes. So, I have pictures of some of my favorite clothes everywhere. Also, I always promised myself if I lost enough weight I would get a tattoo. I have been wanting one since I was 18, it has been 20 years… time to fulfill that dream too.