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I Did More Of This And Lost Weight

How are you coming along with your Weight-Loss Action Challenge habits so far?
- Are you staying away from foods on your What NOT To Eat list?
- Have you upgraded your weekly exercise program to burn more calories?
- Have you added some lifestyle exercise to your everyday life?
This week I’ll be focusing on something that made a significant difference when I lost more than 20 pounds – the same 20 pounds I’d been trying to lose for decades.
I got more sleep.
You’ve probably heard of research findings that lack of sleep is related to obesity.
It’s not hard to see why.
When I don’t get enough sleep:
- I feel too tired to make myself do micro-exercise
- I do my planned workouts half-hardheartedly, or make exercise excuses and avoid them altogether
- I crave junk food, give in to mindless eating, and let my good diet habits go out the window.
When I do get enough sleep I’m less vulnerable to cravings, I exercise better, and I move more.
How I’ll Sleep Better
But lately I’ve fallen into poor sleeping habits.
So this week I’ll focus on:
- Drinking less coffee (oh this is hard for me!). I’ll aim for a maximum of three shots per day and switch to decaf (*sulk*) after 2pm.
- Getting to bed earlier. I don’t like going to bed (it’s the child in me). I’ll save my daily cryptic crossword till then, so I’ll have something to entice myself to bed with.
- Starting a meditation class. I’m hoping to learn techniques for calming my monkey mind. More like an entire cage of monkeys sometimes.
How Will You Sleep Better?
Your turn.
What will you do to sleep more and/or sleep better this week?
You could:
- Come up with a relaxing evening ritual
- Change your bedtime routine
- Make your bedroom more sleep-friendly
- Find ways to reduce stress
- Learn some time management strategies so you can get to bed earlier or sleep later.
BONUS for 52 Weight Loss Missions Customers
Review Mission 31: Sleep More, Weigh Less for strategies to help you:
- Make more time for sleep
- Improve the quality of your sleep.
So… what will you choose for this week?
Leave a comment below (or here if you’re reading this in an email or reader) to say what you’re doing for this week’s Weight-Loss Action Challenge, or just to check in.
See you next week!
Thanks for sharing this,
I read your post from first to last. It is so much helpful and informative. Weight loss is a complex journey that varies from person to person, influenced by factors like diet, exercise, metabolism, and individual health conditions. Sustainable weight loss often involves creating a caloric deficit through a balanced diet and regular physical activity. It’s essential to focus on overall health rather than just the number on the scale. Setting realistic goals, maintaining consistency, and adopting healthy habits can lead to lasting results. Additionally, it’s important to approach weight loss with a positive mindset, emphasizing progress and self-care rather than perfection.
Wow, I found this article incredibly inspiring! Implementing more of these practices in my routine helped me shed those extra pounds and feel amazing. Thank you for sharing such valuable insights!
My group has the following to say:
Campbell Soup is high in salt and has a two year shelf life.
Small potatoes broil.
Cooked cabbage is good for you.
Purchase Amish Ground Beef and Chicken as there are no preservatives.
Look at the nutritional labels of the foods you are thinking about buying to see its nutritional values. If it’s bad for you DO NOT PURCHASE.
Drink fewer alcoholic beverages – alternate with water, dilute with ice, and substitute with lime and soda good substitute for pop is Sierra Mist, [Sprite] and 7 UP.
George Foreman grills take the fat out of burgers.
Walk, [cycle] or run uphill.
10 Things to Do at Night for a Good Morning.
1. Do a quick tidy up. Put things away and straighten up a little.
2. Preempt things that cause morning panic. Coffee beans in the machine! Work outfit decided? [Put your clothes out nightly.]
3. Prepare the breakfast zone.
Set the table and create a pleasant vibe in the dining area. Flowers, a pot plant or bright placemats can help make a cheery start to your day.
4. Make a list of things to handle tomorrow. [To do list].
5. set the alarm (if you need it). Allow enough time to get ready and be where you need to be without stressing yourself out.
6. Do something relaxing for 30 minutes before bed. That means switching off from work, school, or volunteering.
7. Brush and floss your teeth.
8. Wash your face. If you wear makeup you’ll avoid the dreaded morning raccoon-eye. Plus you’ll keep your pillow-case fresh – a bonus for your skin. Mary Kay Skin Care is the best product.
9. Say goodnight
Share a goodnight wish or kiss with family members, a housemate or even your fave social network. It will make you smile, and smiling makes you feel good.
10. Think of things you’re grateful for.
Feeling grateful is linked with greater happiness. Plus it’s lovely note on which to end the day.
no chocolate after dinner (keeps me awake) and make sure Paul isn’t watching TV in there when I go in our room. and reading for 15 mins to wind down although I do find I sleep well when I have had my big run and a healthy dinner.
This is exactly what I mean by getting back to my schedules and routines. My sleep is all out of sorts. In two weeks I have to start getting up at 4:30am again for work and getting enough sleep will be vital, not only for weight loss but also to maintain focus during the day with the students.
For me it depends on getting the kids’ bed-time routine down and consistent, so that I can then concentrate on mine. I’ve done a lot better at that in the past week.
I will go to bed at the same time every day and wake up at the same time in the morning. When I do that, I find that I have more energy in a way. Been sleeping better these days actually:)
go to bed earlier – I always seem to put it off. My child mind thinks that it will make today longer and stop tomorrow coming when I have to get up and go to work again! I have some new de-stress and relax meditations on my Mp3 to listen to, too.
Change my sleeping routine; make my room sleep friendly; and love myself enough to do it.