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Success Story: Danielle Lost 40 Pounds, 20 Inches, 6% Body Fat

Hi everyone. It’s Kylie Browne, 52 Weight Loss Missions Community Manager here.
I recently talked with Danielle about her inspiring weight-loss success. Here’s what she had to say…
Danielle’s Story
I had lost about 20 pounds a few times in the earlier years, but something in me happened when I reached 79 kg in November. It triggered something. I knew at that time that I had to change quite a few things in my life if I wanted to be around to see my grand kids.
52 Weight Loss Missions helped me identify how my bad habits were preventing weight loss.
52 Weight Loss Missions helped me identify how my bad habits were preventing weight loss.
For example, I like to bake for my family and friends so sweets were a big part of my diet. I would eat the dough before it got to the oven. Instead I moved to action. I took control and made a combination of changes to my life.
Firstly I joined a gym and started a personal training program. I started going three times a week but I didn’t see much change so I increased my sessions to 6-7 days a week. I also started counting my calories. I started noticing changes as early as two weeks.
The turning point came in April, when I did the 30-Day Weight-Loss-a-thon and it helped me tremendously.
I went from a size 16 to a size 8P in pants and from XL to medium in shirts.
When the snow melted in late march, I started walking 1-3 hours a day and the inches and pounds just came off. It was so encouraging that I would find any excuses to go walking.
The turning point came in April, when I did the 30-Day Weight-Loss-athon (included as part of 52 Weight Loss Missions Action Pack) and it helped me tremendously. I went from a size 16 to a size 8P in pants and from XL to medium in shirts.
Life is so different now! I eat healthy, I walk 75 minutes every morning and I feel so alive. I am happy and more confident. My whole weight loss is 40 pounds lost, 20 inches off my body and a decrease of about 6% body fat. I feel more alive than I have ever felt in a long time.
Thank you 52 Weight Loss Missions. Your program works 🙂
What’s Your Story?
Thank you Danielle for sharing your story!
How about you – have you found success with 52 Weight Loss Missions? I’d love to know more!
To share your story and inspire others, email me today.
Till next time,
Thank you Kylie for putting my weight loss story on your website:) I hope to be an inspiration to others who have struggle with weight. After 3 months of losing my weight, I am still maintaining my weight where I want it:)
Thank you 52 missions.