Day 12: Grow Your Weight-Loss Support Network | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

It’s time for Day 12 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon.

All tasks in the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon are adapted from the 52 Weight Loss Missions program.

Read the steps first, then take 10 minutes to think about them and take action. Ready?

What You Need:

  • A desire to share support.

Step 1

As well as the people already in your life, you may want to expand your weight-loss support network.

Did you know that people who use online support to motivate each other are less likely to give up on their exercise programs?

With 52 Weight Loss Missions, you have a built-in support network via the online check-ins and Facebook Page. You can always check in at one or both of these places to get encouragement, share ideas, tell of your successes, or enjoy the camaraderie with your mission-mates.

The great thing about having a weight-loss support network is that whether you give or receive, you gain.

Others can help you by sharing their tips and ideas, encouraging you, and patting you on the back when you do well.

But when you help others, it reinforces the things you’re learning and helps you crystallize your own discoveries – so helping others helps you, too.

Step 2

So let’s get some support!

Here are some ideas for upgrading your support network:

  • Ask a friend if they’d like to be your exercise buddy
  • Ask a friend if they’d like to do a healthy cooking course with you
  • Work with a personal trainer – by yourself or in a small group
  • Work with a nutritionist or dietician
  • Join a gym or group fitness program, where you’ll meet others with similar goals
  • Join or start a walking group at work
  • Get some friends to share the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon journey with you:
    Click here to Share on Facebook or Click here to Share on Twitter, or add a badge to your blog or website.

Check in!

And you’re done!

Be sure to leave your comment below to check in and stay accountable. If you’re reading this by email or in a reader then please click here to leave your comment.

See you tomorrow!

Michele Connolly

Michele Connolly helps people move from procrastination to action. She believes that taking action on your priorities makes you a happier person. Michele is the founder of Get Organized Wizard and creator of tools for business, home, and personal organization. Her programs are used by tens of thousands of people worldwide.

84 thoughts on “Day 12: Grow Your Weight-Loss Support Network | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

  1. Cathi Morse says:

    Hmm, will have to see what I can do. Some of my family and friends wind up doing super-negative feedback, they also struggle with healthy eating and attitudes, so I haven’t said anything to them about this new start. Having the hubby in with me certainly makes a difference, but I am one who needs a bit more support.

  2. Elizabeth Mason Ruth says:

    I have (finally) gotten my strength back from 3 weeks of recovering from a stomach flu and cold. I envy my children’s energy and their activities. I try to keep that same motivation when going to the gym but it seems when I get the chance to go all I’m happy for is that I got there and I set goals such as “if I can make it through 2 miles or 30 minutes on the treadmill I’m happy”.

    Maybe if I can get a gym buddy I’d be better for it.

  3. Inma Magan says:

    Lots of good ideas today that I have to check on, online fitness groups is a new idea, I know how useful it is making friends at your gym as it is people with the same goals as you that will help you keep focus but doing it online is a new concept for me and I wonder if it really works. Definitely worth checking out.

  4. Sally Elizabeth Zwiebler says:

    I also prefer to walk on my own; either in the suburb or at the gym. I relax and chill out with my thoughts.I like swimming too, as the rythmic lenghts relax me and bottom line I BREATHE better from exercising, especialling doing yoga; which is all part of feeling better and letting those endorphins out by exercise! I will investigate various Walks that are close by that are held for various charities etc— I enjoy the camaraderie of those; shall try and rope in my sister to join me; who is Superfit.

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