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Day 1: Find Your Real (Not Pretend) Motivation | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

Welcome to Day 1 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon! Let the fun begin. 🙂
We only have 10 minutes, so I’m going to get straight to today’s action task. This task will provide fuel to fire your motivation for the month ahead. I suggest you read through the steps first, then take 10 minutes to work through the steps.
And because we only have 10 minutes, you need to move fast, act quickly and stop over-thinking. Just throw yourself in. Ready?
What You Need:
- 52 Weight Loss Missions sample
- Pen
- Paper
- Several post-its.
Step 1
Remember the 52 Weight Loss Missions sample you downloaded? If you haven’t already, please read pages 6, 7 and the top of page 8.
These pages talk about your genuine, fire-in-the-belly motivation for losing weight. Not why other people want you to lose weight. Not why you think you should lose weight. But the desire deep inside you. This is what we want to uncover.
Step 2
Write at least 20 endings to the sentence below. Write fast. Don’t censor yourself. Let your pen go where your critical, analytical mind might not let you.
I want to lose weight because…
Step 3
Now read back over your answers and pick one or to two that excite you.
Don’t be surprised if they aren’t the reasons you’ve been giving yourself for losing weight. If you’ve struggled to lose weight, then there’s a good chance your supposed reasons are not very powerful.
What you’ve just uncovered is a powerhouse of motivation. Let’s make sure we use it…
Step 4
Write the exciting reason(s) from Step 3 on some post-its, and put them in several places you’ll see them regularly, eg:
- On your bathroom mirror
- In your wallet
- In your diary
- On your computer
- On the fridge door.
Let these reminders of your real motivation drive you over the next month.
Check in!
And you’re done! Be sure to leave your comment below to check in and stay accountable.
See you back here tomorrow.
Pingback: 30-Day Weight Loss-athon: Day 1 - More Than A Mom
I did come up with 20, but had to work at it! Looking forward to more missions:)
I want to look and feel healthier and get rid of my back pain!
Okay, I’m ready to start this…I want to lose weight (not muscle!) so I…
1) am faster on the squash court
2) feel better in my clothes
3) be a good example for my daughter about making healthy eating choices
I want to lose weight so I can be a model to my daughter. She’s 11 years old… getting to the age that looks starts to be important and I want her to be proud of herself by having good self esteem. But to know that she needs role model!
I want to lose weight so I can be a model to my daughter. She’s 11 years old… getting to the age that looks starts to be important and I want her to be proud of herself by having good self esteem. But to know that she needs role model!
I want to be fit and healthy when I am older.
I want to be fit and healthy when I am older.
I want to feel comfortable in my old and beautiful clothes (in fact they are new but too small…)
I want to feel comfortable in my old and beautiful clothes (in fact they are new but too small…)
In my case, it sounds selfish as well but I need to be honest with you all and myself. Weight loss has always been the trigger to start a series of steps that make me happy.
Weight loss makes me:
1. Feel lighter and more comfortable every morning.
2. Want to renew my wardrobe.
3. Look myself at me in the mirror and smile.
4. Feel better about myself and with others.
5. Get happily involved with my job.
6. Get happily involved with my hobbies, leisure…
7. Accept the compliments of the people.
8. Want to repeat the above steps one day at a time.
Regards to you all from Mexico!
In my case, it sounds selfish as well but I need to be honest with you all and myself. Weight loss has always been the trigger to start a series of steps that make me happy.
Weight loss makes me:
1. Feel lighter and more comfortable every morning.
2. Want to renew my wardrobe.
3. Look myself at me in the mirror and smile.
4. Feel better about myself and with others.
5. Get happily involved with my job.
6. Get happily involved with my hobbies, leisure…
7. Accept the compliments of the people.
8. Want to repeat the above steps one day at a time.
Regards to you all from Mexico!
I was surprised but the most exiting answer was: I´ m so courious how it will feel and look – with less weight. Will there l be a huge difference in how I feel, how I act, how I go through my life? Will there be more energy and can I handle it?
I was surprised but the most exiting answer was: I´ m so courious how it will feel and look – with less weight. Will there l be a huge difference in how I feel, how I act, how I go through my life? Will there be more energy and can I handle it?
I want to lose weight because I want to look good and feel good 🙂
I want to lose weight because I want to look good and feel good 🙂
I want to.
I want to.
I’m in.
I’m in.