Day 25: Equip Your Weight-Loss Friendly Kitchen | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

It’s time for Day 25 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon.

All tasks in the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon are adapted from my 52 Weight Loss Missions program.

Read the steps first, then take 10 minutes to complete them.

Move fast, act quickly and stop over-thinking. Ready?

What You Need:

Step 1

Today we’re going to make sure you have all the tools and gadgets necessary to prepare the food and beverages that a slim minx like you’re becoming needs to prepare.

You may need some or all of these:

  • Scales
  • Non-stick pans and pots (so you need less cooking fat)
  • Non-stick wok for stir-fries
  • A grill that allows fat to drip off
  • A food processor to save time
  • A blender for healthful smoothies
  • Freezable storage containers – so you can make extra serves when you cook
  • Good quality knives
  • Steamer
  • Good quality cooking utensils (spatula, wooden spoon, etc).

If something is ancient, rusty, broken, hard to wash, excessively noisy, or unpleasant to use, consider replacing it. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to prepare weight-loss-friendly meals, so equip yourself with tools that are easy to use and enjoyable to work with.

Make a list of any kitchen equipment you need.

Step 2

Now we need to review the weight-loss-friendly recipe binder we put together on Day 21 for any other equipment we may have forgotten.

Look over the cooking methods in your recipes to identify any other tools you’ll need for your healthful, weight-loss-friendly meals.

Step 3

Make a date with yourself to go shopping – and equip your weight-loss-friendly kitchen!

Bonus Step For 52 Weight Loss Missions Members

Check in!

And you’re done!

Be sure to leave your comment below to check in and stay accountable. If you’re reading this by email or in a reader then please click here to leave your comment.

See you tomorrow!

Michele Connolly

Michele Connolly helps people move from procrastination to action. She believes that taking action on your priorities makes you a happier person. Michele is the founder of Get Organized Wizard and creator of tools for business, home, and personal organization. Her programs are used by tens of thousands of people worldwide.

59 thoughts on “Day 25: Equip Your Weight-Loss Friendly Kitchen | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

  1. Jennifer Reilly says:

    I have everything I need so far for my healthy cooking.. I did recently get a Rachel Ray frying pan that absolutely nothing sticks to, I love it! And I invested in extra gladware containers for portioning out leftovers instead of putting it in one big bowl.

  2. Danielle Desjardins says:

    I just went to buy the scale a few minutes ago and when I tried it out, I realize I was miscalculating my portions. I am sure glad I went ahead, so I will be more careful next time:) I am in the process of finding more healthy recipes to achieve my goal.
    It gives me 12 days to look for good recipes while I am on a liquid fast with my church for 12 days. I can’t believe we just have 6 days left on this program. I am really enjoying it:)

  3. Chris Majoroff says:

    I have my kitchen all set up already with all the equipment for healthy meals including a gorgeous set of red scales on the bench and my george forman griller is my best friend apart from cleaning it. that’s a pain. I use my microwave a lot instead of steaming but I do have a steamer and a rice cooker. I get rid of yucky appliances etc as soon as they start looking daggy. you need to work with good gear and I love my blender for my pumpkin soup mostly.

  4. Gwen Thring says:

    Already have the gadgets I need, including my favourite of all time, my Breville Professional Whizz. I make a chocolate substitute with almonds, tahini, honey, carob or cocoa powder and salt. It satisfies my sweet tooth but is so filling because of the nuts I can’t eat a lot. My little Kitchen Whizz almost died doing a half batch but my Professional is like a food processor on steroids and whizzes it up in no time!

  5. Joanna Holkar-Guevara says:

    I’m a pretty good cook…at least my husband says so. Much of the food I cook is a fusion between Indian and South American ( think curried rice and beans ). YUM! Much to say, many of the recipes I have call for butter, oil, salt, MSG…however, I have tweaked the recipes and saute in broth, use olive oil, lemon juice as alternatives.
    With a smart shopping list, I try my BEST to stay clear from the crisps, ice cream and candy aisles…it’s not easy I have to admit. But with a limited budget, it keeps me on track.

  6. Beth Hites says:

    1) I love the ziploc steamer bags! I’m more likely to make veggies if I have these, so I need to just buy them instead of saying it’s a waste of $ when they can be cooked other ways.
    2) I love my Magic Bullet blender & need to get the darn thing out and make smoothies again. I was having them for breakfast until it got too cold.
    3) Give myself “permission” to replace something that has been annoying me. 🙂

  7. Terry Currie says:

    Hello to everyone: It’s time to make sure your kitchen it needs for you. Items would be: crock pot; pot and pan set; coffee maker or espresso machine; toaster; can opener; silverware; everyday dishes [set]; measuring cup; baking set; canister set; George Foreman Grill; spatulas; wooden spoon set for cooking; healthy and nutritional recipes, etc. Make a list of items you need to purchase. Purchase an item a month – remember to replace broken kitchen equipment. You’re on the home stretch. Five days left to go for this program. You are all awesome. I’m proud of all of you. Keep up the good work and continue to post for accountability. Michele is No. 1 in my book – please take time to check on the other programs Michele has written: go to check out her Design Your Life Program – it’s awesome. And her for Michele’s 52 Mission of Weight Loss program. Good Luck.

  8. Terri Hanson-Scott says:

    Wow! this month sure has blown by…..I am going to miss these supportive challenges. They have been a good reminder for me. I have all the tools suggested just wish my kitchen was larger. They seem to keep moving back to the basement. The exercise is good but it does have a way of making me get frustrated too.

    I didn’t get a day in my in box… I have gone through all my notes and see if I can find that date here to that I can get added to my notes. I was day 22. Maybe we did something adventurous like meet up for a visit, sip coffee, share micro exercises and stories? That could be fun!

    Michelle, thank you for everything this month. With dad having cancer treatments, work replacing reporting systems, and cold dreary days……it has been wonderful to have this motivation. I am enjoying going back and reading my reminders when things get tough. Thank you! Thank you!

  9. Hanan Zein Eddin says:

    Yaaaaaaaay! I have them all. I have been buying a piece a month of the tools above for my diet! Today and tomorrow I’ll be in a place with an open buffet. And I want to promise all of you here that I will resist and only eat food that are friendly with my diet!

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