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Day 22: Stop Being a Weight-Loss Martyr | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

Here we are at Day 22 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon. Wow – time is flying!
All tasks in the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon are adapted from my 52 Weight Loss Missions program.
Read the steps first, then take 10 minutes to think about and complete them. Ready?
What You Need:
- A willingness to look at yourself and your beliefs
- Pen
- Post-its.
Step 1
The first step today is to realize that saying yes to your weight loss means saying no to other things and to other people’s priorities, at least some of the time.
And if the people in your life are especially demanding, then it may mean saying no rather a lot of the time.
Sometimes you’ll help out, of course. But if you come last on your priority list much of the time, then you need to realize the effect this may be having on your weight-loss success.
Before long, you forget what your priorities even are. They get lost in the maelstrom of everyone else’s needs.
If losing weight is a priority for you – and we discovered on Day 1 that it is – then it may be time to start saying no.
But before you can do that, you may need to change the way you look at things.
Step 2
For most people, saying no is difficult. We see it as selfish. We’re uncomfortable putting our own priorities ahead of other people’s needs. So when our priorities get challenged, we give in.
So now we need to remind ourselves that in fact, sticking to your weight-loss guns is not selfish – it has all kinds of benefits that are surprisingly good for everyone:
- As you lose weight you’ll gain energy so you’ll have more to give others
- If you have kids, they’ll benefit from an excellent role model for persistence, goal setting, health and wellbeing – not to mention assertiveness!
- By standing up for yourself, you’ll gain the respect of colleagues, friends and family members
- When the people around you have to make other arrangements, it can help them develop their own independence and stand on their own two feet
- You’ll stop feeling resentful that your priorities are neglected, and this helps you to have better relationships
- You’ll be more fun to be around
- You’ll be happier, which boosts productivity at work and home
- You’ll like yourself more as you build up your assertiveness muscles
- If you’re using the needs of others as an excuse for not living your own life, then you’ll start living your own life more – and let them off the hook.
That’s a lot of great stuff for you and for the people around you!
Step 3
So now, choose the benefit or benefits that most speak to you and – you guessed it! – write it/them on a post-it note and put it somewhere you’ll see it every day.
Once you accept that it’s okay to protect your priorities and say no to certain demands, how do you do it – with grace? That’s what we’ll take action on tomorrow.
So… which benefit does it for you?
Check in!
And you’re done!
Be sure to leave your comment below to check in and stay accountable. If you’re reading this by email or in a reader then please click here to leave your comment.
See you tomorrow!
Enjoy healthy food, exercise, cooking… trying to look forward to a new “me”!
today I have to protect my priorities and say no to that part of me that demands: EAT MORE MORE MORE…. EAT CAKE, EAT BREAD… Ok time to take the journal and look what I´m really hungry for.
Its easy for me to say no at first but then dealing with the guilt from the party I say no to is the hard part.
Day 22 already? This 30 day challenge is almost over?? No!!! While I haven’t done everything thing that has been emailed, I’ve done some. And I’m more making more of an effort to exercise. What will I do when I stop receiving daily reminders?!
Okay, I failed this the very first day. I intended to get on the treadmill…but then my son didn’t nap and my sister stopped by….I NEED to figure this out! Ugh!
Yesterday at work we had an icecream social, I said no to the icecream (wasn’t easy) instead I brought my yogurt and sat down and enjoyed the social.
I can say “no” but I’ve struggled over the last 10 days, just so tired 🙁 So today has been lazy ‘ish’ but I did go and try my first crossfit session, needed a lie down after that, but I’m thinking a nana nap was what I needed after only 1 day off in 12 🙂
Putting my gym class schedule on the family calendar has helped a lot. my husband knows he can’t plan other activities during that time!
Those who have trouble creating ‘boundaries’ in their lives should check out Drs Henry Cloud and John Townsend’s book Boundaries. Very powerful food for thought to empower ourselves and respectfully create boundaries in all areas of our lives.
I was chastised by a doctor a few years ago about doing too much when I spent some time quite ill. Since then I’ve been much better at only taking on things I really enjoy. Still tend to watch too much TV at night though. Once I get that sorted out and learn to use the recorder more effectively life should be pretty good.
I have so much more energy and much less aches and pains since I am eating better….when offered a bite of something I don’t need, I just visualize that food punching me in the gut and think “I just don”t need that pain”. No thank you.
Hello to everyone: Remain positive! You can lose weight! Some people take it off right away and others have to work at it. Quit saying “I don’t have the willpower to do this!” “It’s coming off too slow – I can’t handle this.” “I think I’ll give up and try another time [which probably won’t come].” Positive at all times, “Gee, I realize my weight is coming off slow but I will keep at it daily. Someday I will have the figure that I want for me. I can and will continue my daily regimen of weight loss for a healthier me.” I’m proud of all of you. Keep up the good work and continue to post to stay positive. Good Luck!