Day 19: Eat Breakfast, Lose Weight | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

Welcome to Day 19 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon.

All tasks in the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon are adapted from my 52 Weight Loss Missions program.

Read the steps first, then take 10 minutes to think about them and take action. Ready?

What You Need:

  • A willingness to change old habits.

Step 1

First, let’s work out if eating breakfast is the weight-loss asset it’s cracked up to be.

Well, the research shows there are two important things about breakfast:

  1. Breakfast eaters are less likely to be overweight, and
  2. Eating breakfast is also associated with keeping weight off over the long term.

Huh. Being slim and staying slim – those are two pretty big deals in the weight-loss challenge.

So it’s worth rising to the breakfast challenge.

Step 2

Next, let’s work out how to become a breakfast eater if that’s not your thing.

Here are three strategies.

You can start by reminding yourself of some of the benefits of eating a good breakfast:

  • It starts your day well – beginning with good choices can help you stay motivated to make good choices throughout the day
  • It kick-starts your metabolism
  • It helps moderate eating throughout the day – a good breakfast helps stave off hunger and avoid ravenous eating patterns later in the day
  • It gives you energy – so you can exercise and move more.

If you struggle to fit in breakfast in during your busy mornings, then try this:

  • Prepare the night before: set the table, get out your (non-refrigerated) breakfast supplies, and put something cheery on the table – perhaps some flowers or a potted plant
  • Do whatever you can to change the path of least resistance so that eating a good breakfast becomes easy.

If you don’t feel hungry in the morning, then try this:

  • Experiment with eating a little less the evening before.
  • Experiment with different breakfast options (see below) till you find something you enjoy and look forward to eating.
  • Don’t eat breakfast first thing – take a shower or do some exercise first to give your appetite time to wake up.

Step 3

Lastly, let’s think about what exactly makes a good breakfast. It could include a mix of:

  • Low GI carbs – eg wholegrain cereal or rye toast
  • Low-fat protein or dairy – eg poached eggs or low-fat yoghurt
  • Fruit or vegetables – eg berries or grilled mushrooms or tomatoes.

I would add a giant coffee. 🙂

So for instance, you could have:

  • Wholegrain cereal with low-fat yoghurt and berries, or
  • Rye toast with poached eggs and grilled mushrooms.

Breakfast options to avoid include:

  • High-GI carbs – eg sugary cereals and white toast
  • Fatty protein – eg sausages, bacon, full-fat milk.

Choose a breakfast that fits your taste and available time. And enjoy the great, weight-loss friendly start to your day.

What changes will you make to your breakfast routine?

Check in!

And you’re done!

Be sure to leave your comment below to check in and stay accountable. If you’re reading this by email or in a reader then please click here to leave your comment.

See you tomorrow!

Michele Connolly

Michele Connolly helps people move from procrastination to action. She believes that taking action on your priorities makes you a happier person. Michele is the founder of Get Organized Wizard and creator of tools for business, home, and personal organization. Her programs are used by tens of thousands of people worldwide.

83 thoughts on “Day 19: Eat Breakfast, Lose Weight | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

  1. Jane Kisler Mooney says:

    I definitely have to force myself to eat breakfast. I rarely wake up hungry & only enjoy it if I can have it closer to lunch time! Lately I’ve been having a fruit smoothie or yogurt, which is tolerable.

  2. Danielle Desjardins says:

    I usually eat breakfast every day but around 8-9 am cause if I get up at 7.00 am, it’s too early and I get nauseous if I eat right away. I like your idea of exercising, so I will do a small workout or warm up to wake up and be ready to eat my breakfast:)

  3. Andrea Souders Purdon says:

    I need to change my eating in the mornings. I love english muffins. I can’t seem to find whole wheat type ones, which I would like to try. I also need to really cut back on using butter. I don’t use a lot, but could improve on using less than I do. I still drink my water. Trying to cut back on coffee, and I love drinking Rooibos tea when I get up in the mornings.

  4. Joanna Holkar-Guevara says:

    I have NEVER been big on breakfast. The earliest I ever eat anything is by 11 am…I know it’s awful. I have tried eating less the night before, I hate cereal ( I associate it with sick-people food, like chicken soup and jello). I cannot eat any eggs because I break out (even in cake, but that has never stopped me). This is one is going to be tough…but I am determined to try it out!

  5. Cheryl Simpson says:

    I haven’t often been one not to eat breakfast. It is unusual for me to wake up not hungry, so convincing isn’t necessary. Figuring out a healthier breakfast is my challenge. I don’t often include fruit or veggie in my breakfast, so I need to rethink that.

  6. Emma Hutley says:

    I always always always eat breakfast. cant function without it – def the most important meal of the day! and I’m always on the lookout for healthier cereals. these days I usually have a muesli based cereal filled with antioxidants. and if I’m not feeling too hungry I grab an up&go for a little bit of protein to keep my strength up.

  7. Gwen Thring says:

    I’ve always been a breakfast eater. Love eggs on toasted homemade wholegrain toast or oats soaked overnight in natural yoghurt with some chopped healthy nuts and a sprinkling of diced fruit. Just like the original Bircher muesli and so delicious!

  8. Tammy Paul says:

    This is one I struggle with. I am a late sleeper and usually skip breakfast. I feel lousy the rest of the day. This morning my husband woke me up with breakfast in bed. Oatmeal, toast, and skim milk. I am going to start getting up earlier and eat breakfast. The days when I do I actually feel better, and get more things done. Which in turn gives me a better nights sleep because I feel that I have accomplished something that day. Sounds like a pretty good cycle to get into.

  9. Stacey Laper says:

    Another bad habit I’ve always had….I used to be able to go until 3pm without eating…no wonder I became an all evening grazer. While I make lunch for my daughter in the morning, I throw on a couple of eggs for myself. I might not eat them there, but I have time second period (roughly 8am) to eat them before my hall duty. I’ve also started taking an apple or pear with me to first period with my green tea. Its a start.

  10. Terry Currie says:

    Hello to everyone: Yes, eating breakfast each morning will improve your health and memory. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I.e. a bowl of cereal with fruit slices; cream of wheat with fruit and milk added; etc. Your breakfast drink can be: one or two cups of coffee; glass of milk; orange juice; cranberry juice, etc. Whatever you do start your day out right – do not skip breakfast. If your in a hurry eat a banana. What do you eat for breakfast that is healthy? Keep up the good work and continue to post to be accountable.

  11. Stacey Bass McPherson says:

    If I don’t eat breakfast, you DO NOT want to be near me! I usually start off with a high fiber cereal with unsweetened almond milk, or mixed in with some Greek yogurt. But lately I’ve been enjoying a microwave muffin that I whip up in a mug. I got the recipe from the Dr. Oz show, and it’s really yummy and very satisfying. It’s called Jorge’s Skinny Muffin (search for it on the Dr. Oz website) and it has fiber (flax seed), protein (egg), and a small amount of healthy fat (coconut oil). Topped with a TBSP of NSA black currant preserves, it’s AWESOME! And of course, I have my coffee with it, and I’m good to go for my morning workout!

  12. Linda Clemmons Gooden says:

    I truly believe this! Last June, after I returned to work from maternity leave, my husband I started carpooling to work. He liked to go to a fastfood restaurant and pick up breakfast, so I quickly joined in. It as easy after all, and I found that it kept me full most of the morning. However, this last month, I started preparing my breakfast to take with me (Oatmeal, egg on wheat toast, whole wheat bagel), and this week, I prepared breakfast for both of us everyday. He was amazed at how much better he felt from eating a healthier breakfast, and I like the facts we are eating healthier and spending less money. 🙂

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