Day 19: Eat Breakfast, Lose Weight | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

Welcome to Day 19 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon.

All tasks in the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon are adapted from my 52 Weight Loss Missions program.

Read the steps first, then take 10 minutes to think about them and take action. Ready?

What You Need:

  • A willingness to change old habits.

Step 1

First, let’s work out if eating breakfast is the weight-loss asset it’s cracked up to be.

Well, the research shows there are two important things about breakfast:

  1. Breakfast eaters are less likely to be overweight, and
  2. Eating breakfast is also associated with keeping weight off over the long term.

Huh. Being slim and staying slim – those are two pretty big deals in the weight-loss challenge.

So it’s worth rising to the breakfast challenge.

Step 2

Next, let’s work out how to become a breakfast eater if that’s not your thing.

Here are three strategies.

You can start by reminding yourself of some of the benefits of eating a good breakfast:

  • It starts your day well – beginning with good choices can help you stay motivated to make good choices throughout the day
  • It kick-starts your metabolism
  • It helps moderate eating throughout the day – a good breakfast helps stave off hunger and avoid ravenous eating patterns later in the day
  • It gives you energy – so you can exercise and move more.

If you struggle to fit in breakfast in during your busy mornings, then try this:

  • Prepare the night before: set the table, get out your (non-refrigerated) breakfast supplies, and put something cheery on the table – perhaps some flowers or a potted plant
  • Do whatever you can to change the path of least resistance so that eating a good breakfast becomes easy.

If you don’t feel hungry in the morning, then try this:

  • Experiment with eating a little less the evening before.
  • Experiment with different breakfast options (see below) till you find something you enjoy and look forward to eating.
  • Don’t eat breakfast first thing – take a shower or do some exercise first to give your appetite time to wake up.

Step 3

Lastly, let’s think about what exactly makes a good breakfast. It could include a mix of:

  • Low GI carbs – eg wholegrain cereal or rye toast
  • Low-fat protein or dairy – eg poached eggs or low-fat yoghurt
  • Fruit or vegetables – eg berries or grilled mushrooms or tomatoes.

I would add a giant coffee. 🙂

So for instance, you could have:

  • Wholegrain cereal with low-fat yoghurt and berries, or
  • Rye toast with poached eggs and grilled mushrooms.

Breakfast options to avoid include:

  • High-GI carbs – eg sugary cereals and white toast
  • Fatty protein – eg sausages, bacon, full-fat milk.

Choose a breakfast that fits your taste and available time. And enjoy the great, weight-loss friendly start to your day.

What changes will you make to your breakfast routine?

Check in!

And you’re done!

Be sure to leave your comment below to check in and stay accountable. If you’re reading this by email or in a reader then please click here to leave your comment.

See you tomorrow!

Michele Connolly

Michele Connolly helps people move from procrastination to action. She believes that taking action on your priorities makes you a happier person. Michele is the founder of Get Organized Wizard and creator of tools for business, home, and personal organization. Her programs are used by tens of thousands of people worldwide.

83 thoughts on “Day 19: Eat Breakfast, Lose Weight | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

  1. Carole Moore says:

    this is a super hard one for me. I wasn’t a breakfast eater as a kid and the bad habit has followed me to adulthood. But I’m trying if only a slice of whole wheat toast. I know just getting something into my system makes me feel better, now just to make it a habit.

  2. Renee Hoguet Jennings says:

    After years of only drinking coffee for breakfast, I recently started making it a point to eat a healthy breakfast. I do notice I have more energy. I love making my own oatmeal and experimenting with putting various things in it.

  3. Suzie Waltner says:

    I have an arsenal of four or five healthy breakfast choices including whole wheat english muffin with morning star sausage and slice of cheese with fruit, veggie omelet or greek yogurt and fruit.

  4. Denise Barrett says:

    This one is soooooo easy for me yay. I always eat breakfast otherwise I would not make it through the day and by morning tea time I would be eating whatever. I always have my bowl of porridge or muesli and yoghurt. My husbands Doctor also told him that eating breakfast helps to keep your cholesterol levels down.

  5. Ann Stubley says:

    I always eat breakfast and since January have had a high fibre cereal for breakfast , that keeps me going til banana and cuppa for morning tea except for thursdays which are dunky egg days, boiled egg and a piece of soy and linseed toast. I have had bacon and eggs twice for brekky twice since then, but haven’t eaten lunch, that day just fruit til dinner.

  6. Gail Helgeson says:

    I really must have protein for breakfast, but get tired of eggs, so I like to substitute a small piece of boneless chicken from dinner on half a whole wheat Emglish muffin, or start to poach an egg in the boiling water for oatmeal (add the oatmeal and continue. BTW, two strips of turkey bacon is okay, too, cook in the MW while you scramble your eggs.

  7. Rebekah Hendy says:

    I’m admitting there used to be a time when I didn’t have breakfast and it effected my whole day. I would be crabby and yes couldn’t wait for lunch time. Skipping any meal isn’t good because your body uses any reserved fat that we have which is the bodies way of protecting itself. I learnt the hard way and now I’m eating breakfast again.

  8. Natalie Howard Tschacher says:

    I am definitely a breakfast eater, if I don’t eat within a certain amount of time I get sick and then the whole day is a disaster for me. Just have a problem making a very fattening peanut butter milkshake for breakfast a lot of times. Picked up more bread yesterday so maybe I can get some toast instead of the shake!

  9. Ann Isom says:

    I have been a firm believer in eating breakfast for years. Sometimes I’ve not made the best breakfast choices but being a project under construction, I am doing better! I have began including Kashi waffles into my mornings (sans the syrup!) and have noticed a significant increase in how long my engery lasts.

  10. Sharon Mckeown says:

    I cook breakfast for both my children before school most mornings I know it gives them a good start so includung me should be easy, but I skip it most of the time, I’m going to log off and make some breakfast for mum.

  11. Chris Majoroff says:

    I won’t be changing my breakfast as I already have low fat cereal, yoghurt and fruit or brown toast with eggs or tomato and asparagus, or oats and stewed fruit. I love breakfast and usually exercise before I have it, but I have a piece of fruit before the exercise and some water.

  12. Nancy Nethercott says:

    Well, I’m doing something right! I love to bake (that is one of my problems..), so I eat a slice of homemade rye bread or a bran muffin each morning, plain low-fat yogurt with fruit/homemade smoothie with low-fat milk, fruit & toasted soybean powder for more protein and 2 cups of coffee with low-fat milk (=^o^=)~.

  13. Patty Kinsella says:

    Years ago I skipped breakfast thinking I would save on the calories…big mistake as I had low energy, so if I did workout I wasn’t able to “Bring It”, I was starving at lunch time, & ended up getting a tummy ache when I finally ate that lasted most of the afternoon. I now get up & walk, come home & do my workout (currently P90X), have a glass of P90X results & recovery complex, shower, & then drink a large Shakeology. I am loving the energy I have, the 20 lbs I have lost, & the way my clothing is fitting!

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