Day 11: Ask For Very Specific Help | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

Welcome to Day 11 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon.

All tasks in the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon are adapted from the 52 Weight Loss Missions program.

Read the steps first, then take 10 minutes to think about them and take action. Ready?

What You Need:

  • Willingness to ask for help.

Step 1

The people closest to you – your family, the friends you see often, your close work associates – can all play a significant part in your weight loss success… or failure.

But the fact that they play a part doesn’t mean you can play the victim or offload your own responsibilities – not in this program, baby!

The onus is on you to ask for what you want in a way that makes it easy for them to support you. Don’t expect them to know what you need. This is frustrating for you and unfair to them.

So our first step today is to explain to a key person or people in your life that you’re focused on getting slimmer and would really like their support.

Keep it brief and don’t over-explain the myriad psychological complexes or childhood dramas that brought you to this place.

Step 2

Next ask for something specific and not too onerous.

For instance, it’s blatantly unfair to ask someone else to take responsibility for getting you to the gym, or keeping you away from chocolate.

Here are some examples of support you may choose to ask for:

  • Ask your partner to look after the kids for an hour, 3 nights a week, so you can exercise
  • Ask your work colleague if you can go to healthier places for lunch – eg the new salad bar, the sushi place – instead of your usual burger joint
  • Ask your friend if you can go for a walk when you have your weekly catch-ups
  • Ask your mother to make a yummy fruit salad instead of your favorite dessert every time you visit (but I urge caution when it comes to mothers and food!)
  • Ask your boss if you can have fruit for sale instead of only vending machines
  • Ask your family to keep their snack food out of the pantry so you don’t see it every time you’re in the kitchen.

Step 3

Accept that not everyone may be able or willing to help you, and you may get some ‘No’s.

That’s fine – once you know where you stand you can evaluate your options. Other people’s support can be a big help, but if you don’t have all the support you’d like, then accept it, and move on with the resources you do have.

Check in!

And you’re done!

Be sure to leave your comment below to check in and stay accountable. If you’re reading this by email or in a reader then please click here to leave your comment.

See you tomorrow!

Michele Connolly

Michele Connolly helps people move from procrastination to action. She believes that taking action on your priorities makes you a happier person. Michele is the founder of Get Organized Wizard and creator of tools for business, home, and personal organization. Her programs are used by tens of thousands of people worldwide.

99 thoughts on “Day 11: Ask For Very Specific Help | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

  1. Denise Barrett says:

    I am very lucky as I have a very supportive husband and daughter. Sometimes too supportive in fact, it is like living with the food police. My husband asked me should he buy be a easter egg so I said no as I shouldn’t be eating it anyway. My daughter also hates eating takeaways so will always prefer to have vegetables etc for her tea so it does make my life easier. They are always so happy for me when I tell them how much I have lost each week. I do sympathise to all those that do not have a supportive network around them as it can make your weight loss journey so much harder than it has to be.

  2. Becki Lovett Whittaker says:

    I’ve never been one to ask for help. However, my kids are my biggest supporters. They are willing to hold me accountable and tell me no — even when I get mad because they’ll tell me that I don’t need “….”.

  3. Terri Hanson-Scott says:

    This exercise is hard for me. When I ask for help……they all expect things from me. Very unsupportive……Will need to pray for more support!

    Thank you for reminding me that it is okay to ask during this time of brick walls while I care for my aging parents.

  4. Inma Magan says:

    Hubby is quite supportive reminding me what I shouldn’t eat, every time I am thinking of reaching it. I have suggested several times for him to stay with the kiddies so I could go for swimming but staying with the children is a different battle.

  5. Stacey Laper says:

    It took some repeating, but I have asked my children and husband to please put the goodies back into the designated(Icantreach) cabinet. I also asked him to take the kids with him today to pick up my daughter from a soccer scrimmage and I was able to get in a 45 minute walk.

  6. Terry Currie says:

    Hello to everyone: Make a list of friends/relatives/extended relatives who will support you in your goal to lose weight. Yes, please tell them no more sweets. Your on a mission to reach your ideal weight. Mark the toxic people off your list. Good Luck and please post daily to stay accountable. I’m proud of all of you.

  7. Becky Brown says:

    I have a great support system! My family and friends know what losing this weight means to me. My hubby and my mom is unofficially following me in these challenges. I already know the people who don’t support me and I realize that they are not REAL friends.. I even got a walking buddy.. I have actually been using the treadmil so much that I think it’s done. It stopped three times during the first 7 minutes. After that I was afraid to go anymore. Lol.. It’s older though.. Maybe I can talk hubby into getting me a new one *wink, wink*.

  8. Shirley McClure Huckleberry says:

    This one is tough. It does seem as if the moment I start a weight loss program, the Hub tries to sabotage it. Last week he brought me a 32 oz Diet Pepsi (four times), a huge weakness for me and 2 loaves of Cranberry Spice bread (not only is it calorie laden but expensive as sh*t). Honestly, he never, ever does stuff like this until I mention working on my weight. Of course I tell him not to do these things and I don’t limit his crap feast, and since I cook very basic and simple (chicken, veggies and rice, I skip the rice) his life isn’t changing that much. I’m not eating the crap, at all, I’m serious about getting healthy, but it’s so frustrating when the person who should be working with me seems to be working against me. I find my support in Adam Levine, John Mayer, a little Britney and some Gaga, they’re always there for me.

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