Day 1: Find Your Real (Not Pretend) Motivation | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

Welcome to Day 1 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon! Let the fun begin. 🙂

We only have 10 minutes, so I’m going to get straight to today’s action task. This task will provide fuel to fire your motivation for the month ahead. I suggest you read through the steps first, then take 10 minutes to work through the steps.

And because we only have 10 minutes, you need to move fast, act quickly and stop over-thinking. Just throw yourself in. Ready?

What You Need:

Step 1

Remember the 52 Weight Loss Missions sample you downloaded? If you haven’t already, please read pages 6, 7 and the top of page 8.

These pages talk about your genuine, fire-in-the-belly motivation for losing weight. Not why other people want you to lose weight. Not why you think you should lose weight. But the desire deep inside you. This is what we want to uncover.

Step 2

Write at least 20 endings to the sentence below. Write fast. Don’t censor yourself. Let your pen go where your critical, analytical mind might not let you.

I want to lose weight because…

Step 3

Now read back over your answers and pick one or to two that excite you.

Don’t be surprised if they aren’t the reasons you’ve been giving yourself for losing weight. If you’ve struggled to lose weight, then there’s a good chance your supposed reasons are not very powerful.

What you’ve just uncovered is a powerhouse of motivation. Let’s make sure we use it…

Step 4

Write the exciting reason(s) from Step 3 on some post-its, and put them in several places you’ll see them regularly, eg:

  • On your bathroom mirror
  • In your wallet
  • In your diary
  • On your computer
  • On the fridge door.

Let these reminders of your real motivation drive you over the next month.

Check in!

And you’re done! Be sure to leave your comment below to check in and stay accountable.

See you back here tomorrow.

Michele Connolly

Michele Connolly helps people move from procrastination to action. She believes that taking action on your priorities makes you a happier person. Michele is the founder of Get Organized Wizard and creator of tools for business, home, and personal organization. Her programs are used by tens of thousands of people worldwide.

566 thoughts on “Day 1: Find Your Real (Not Pretend) Motivation | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

  1. Sahara Contempree says:

    I found 3 themes through my exercise of why I want to loose weight:
    1. as a reflection that I am present in my life – making good decisions and handling the pressures/emotions of life healthy.
    2. to feel feminine – to be excited to shop and dress in the morning with flare and colour.
    3. to feel comfortable in my body – to not feel excess skin which I want to get away from.
    im looking forward to what unfolds throughout the month ;-)).

  2. Sahara Contempree says:

    I found 3 themes through my exercise of why I want to loose weight:
    1. as a reflection that I am present in my life – making good decisions and handling the pressures/emotions of life healthy.
    2. to feel feminine – to be excited to shop and dress in the morning with flare and colour.
    3. to feel comfortable in my body – to not feel excess skin which I want to get away from.
    im looking forward to what unfolds throughout the month ;-)).

  3. Manju Sara Jacob says:

    2 REASONS: 1.Want to wear pretty clothing’s that are not so long covering my broad Indian childbearing hips and a belly that has stayed on after having 2 kids.2.Make the never achieved ideal weight for my body type and height… (striving since childhood). Hmm.. cant bring myself to posting it everywhere… Somehow I want to keep it to myself and not let everyone in the house know about this.. it the question:Will I lose? or wanting to surprise family when they see me slimmer? My first dilemma….on day 1 already.

  4. Manju Sara Jacob says:

    2 REASONS: 1.Want to wear pretty clothing’s that are not so long covering my broad Indian childbearing hips and a belly that has stayed on after having 2 kids.2.Make the never achieved ideal weight for my body type and height… (striving since childhood). Hmm.. cant bring myself to posting it everywhere… Somehow I want to keep it to myself and not let everyone in the house know about this.. it the question:Will I lose? or wanting to surprise family when they see me slimmer? My first dilemma….on day 1 already.

  5. Charla J. Cooper Wrenn says:

    Got mine done! Late in the day, but it’s done. Like many of you, I want to lose weight for various ‘look good in the mirror’ type reasons, but I have found that my main reason other than health and running after my children, is to be taken more seriously as an athlete. I notice the younger kids don’t take me seriously in our gym until I show them that I can outlift them. They look at me and think I’m just a fluffy mom playing at lifting and it shows in the way some of them blow off my advice. I just want to look like the athlete I am on the inside, I guess.

  6. Charla J. Cooper Wrenn says:

    Got mine done! Late in the day, but it’s done. Like many of you, I want to lose weight for various ‘look good in the mirror’ type reasons, but I have found that my main reason other than health and running after my children, is to be taken more seriously as an athlete. I notice the younger kids don’t take me seriously in our gym until I show them that I can outlift them. They look at me and think I’m just a fluffy mom playing at lifting and it shows in the way some of them blow off my advice. I just want to look like the athlete I am on the inside, I guess.

  7. Shauna Tune says:

    Just finished my task! I got me a pretty new journal and pen SPECIFICALLY for this to help me be more motivated to keep the journal going. I am doing WW too so I am hoping that these new tools will keep me motivated logging too 😀

    – My big motivations are.

    * to keep from heart disease (runs in the family); diabetes; or high blood pressure.

    * to feel confidence again and more outgoing….
    * to feel sexy and improve my sex life with my husband.

    * My biggest one… to hopefully have a baby one day.

    Good luck everyone, I know we can do it… we have the tools, we have the support… we just need to DO IT!

    Thank you Michele for helping us get started again.

  8. Shauna Tune says:

    Just finished my task! I got me a pretty new journal and pen SPECIFICALLY for this to help me be more motivated to keep the journal going. I am doing WW too so I am hoping that these new tools will keep me motivated logging too 😀

    – My big motivations are.

    * to keep from heart disease (runs in the family); diabetes; or high blood pressure.

    * to feel confidence again and more outgoing….
    * to feel sexy and improve my sex life with my husband.

    * My biggest one… to hopefully have a baby one day.

    Good luck everyone, I know we can do it… we have the tools, we have the support… we just need to DO IT!

    Thank you Michele for helping us get started again.

  9. Kim Phillips Leggieri says:

    My daughter and I are going on an awesome trip to Italy and Greece this summer and I want to enjoy every part of it without lagging behind with no energy.. That is my motivation! Plus I’d love to look great in some of the photos! lol

  10. Kim Phillips Leggieri says:

    My daughter and I are going on an awesome trip to Italy and Greece this summer and I want to enjoy every part of it without lagging behind with no energy.. That is my motivation! Plus I’d love to look great in some of the photos! lol

  11. Carinthia Sellers Logan says:

    I am ready for some motivation! I am committed to work hard, to feel better, and Lord willing, look better. My 30th wedding anniversary is coming up in June…I would love to be well on my way to good health, by then! ? : ).

  12. Carinthia Sellers Logan says:

    I am ready for some motivation! I am committed to work hard, to feel better, and Lord willing, look better. My 30th wedding anniversary is coming up in June…I would love to be well on my way to good health, by then! ? : ).

  13. Tammy Butkiewicz Sloan says:

    As much as I’d love to feel good in skimpy shorts and a tank top, I’m mostly worried about my health. I’m afraid of what the future holds if I don’t start a more healthly lifestyle. Already since I’ve turned 40, my cholesterol is suddenly high and I’m not as active as I used to be. I belive that losing weight with diet and exercise will make me feel better physically and mentally. – But how to get motivated is a whole different ballgame.

  14. Tammy Butkiewicz Sloan says:

    As much as I’d love to feel good in skimpy shorts and a tank top, I’m mostly worried about my health. I’m afraid of what the future holds if I don’t start a more healthly lifestyle. Already since I’ve turned 40, my cholesterol is suddenly high and I’m not as active as I used to be. I belive that losing weight with diet and exercise will make me feel better physically and mentally. – But how to get motivated is a whole different ballgame.

  15. Jodie Minet says:

    This weekend we were caught off gaurd with my son breaking his arm. With all the commotion, I forgot about this. So I am starting today and try to catch up over the next couple of days.

  16. Jodie Minet says:

    This weekend we were caught off gaurd with my son breaking his arm. With all the commotion, I forgot about this. So I am starting today and try to catch up over the next couple of days.

  17. Shana McAuley says:

    Getting to 20 reasons was really hard. I think my reasons are pretty basic. I don’t want to look at pictures and hate what I see any more. I also want to be active again, I miss all the things I used to do without worrying that my weight would stop me from enjoying it. I want to be able to dress up and go out with my sister and not worry that I am an embarrassment to her. I don’t want to get sick again.

  18. Shana McAuley says:

    Getting to 20 reasons was really hard. I think my reasons are pretty basic. I don’t want to look at pictures and hate what I see any more. I also want to be active again, I miss all the things I used to do without worrying that my weight would stop me from enjoying it. I want to be able to dress up and go out with my sister and not worry that I am an embarrassment to her. I don’t want to get sick again.

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