Day 1: Find Your Real (Not Pretend) Motivation | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

Welcome to Day 1 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon! Let the fun begin. 🙂

We only have 10 minutes, so I’m going to get straight to today’s action task. This task will provide fuel to fire your motivation for the month ahead. I suggest you read through the steps first, then take 10 minutes to work through the steps.

And because we only have 10 minutes, you need to move fast, act quickly and stop over-thinking. Just throw yourself in. Ready?

What You Need:

Step 1

Remember the 52 Weight Loss Missions sample you downloaded? If you haven’t already, please read pages 6, 7 and the top of page 8.

These pages talk about your genuine, fire-in-the-belly motivation for losing weight. Not why other people want you to lose weight. Not why you think you should lose weight. But the desire deep inside you. This is what we want to uncover.

Step 2

Write at least 20 endings to the sentence below. Write fast. Don’t censor yourself. Let your pen go where your critical, analytical mind might not let you.

I want to lose weight because…

Step 3

Now read back over your answers and pick one or to two that excite you.

Don’t be surprised if they aren’t the reasons you’ve been giving yourself for losing weight. If you’ve struggled to lose weight, then there’s a good chance your supposed reasons are not very powerful.

What you’ve just uncovered is a powerhouse of motivation. Let’s make sure we use it…

Step 4

Write the exciting reason(s) from Step 3 on some post-its, and put them in several places you’ll see them regularly, eg:

  • On your bathroom mirror
  • In your wallet
  • In your diary
  • On your computer
  • On the fridge door.

Let these reminders of your real motivation drive you over the next month.

Check in!

And you’re done! Be sure to leave your comment below to check in and stay accountable.

See you back here tomorrow.

Michele Connolly

Michele Connolly helps people move from procrastination to action. She believes that taking action on your priorities makes you a happier person. Michele is the founder of Get Organized Wizard and creator of tools for business, home, and personal organization. Her programs are used by tens of thousands of people worldwide.

566 thoughts on “Day 1: Find Your Real (Not Pretend) Motivation | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

  1. Monica Clemow says:

    I want to lose weight becuase it will help me save money and increase my confidence – I will fit into my too small jeans and my winter coat will button up easily. I’m looking forward to that feeling of achievement after completing each task this month,.

  2. Teresa Trundle says:

    Wow! I was really surprised at how difficult I found it to come up with 20…found it to be a very interesting exercise. Fit into my almost new size 12 jeans. Have a healthier & energetic life. Not see the fat lumpy bits anymore when I dare to look in the mirror ;P.

  3. Karen Butler says:

    My self image is so tied to my overall happiness. I want to remove this barrier to my happiness. Fat = Failure in my mind. Sure, it would help to work on the mental part, too, but being in control of the physical would be a huge leap toward my overall happiness.

  4. Amanda Harden says:

    I want to lose weight so I feel good about myself again. Feeling good about myself means I’m more confident, which opens up many more avenues. Vanity reason, yes, but it’s a real motivator.

  5. Susan Lott Wheeler says:

    Day 1 tasks are done and as others have commented; I do believe this is a great way to start. I was both a bit surprised at some of what just came out as I wrote and also a bit saddened to know how much I let my weight truly weigh me down. I want to go out and have that self confidence boost in my step!

  6. Sashi Grayndler says:

    My two things is that I want to be healthier ( combat depression and also manage cholesterol/heart health) AND I want to fit into a size 12 again so I can wear pretty dresses. I drew an apple and a dress with 12 on it on my bedroom and bathroom mirror and my fridge ( with erasable texta pen) – my housemates are going to be puzzled about the drawings on fridge and bathroom mirror but I hope they can hold me accountable and encourage me too.

  7. Robin Hodgkins says:

    I discovered what I already suspected, the vain part of me, which is the smallest part of me, is actually the strongest part of me. I want to be sexier, wear sexier clothes and look skinnier in photos, sick of being the “fat” sister again.

  8. Stacey Bass McPherson says:

    I want to look better naked. And feel better about being naked. My hubby says I look great already, but I don’t think so, and I am going to change it! I know we tend to be our own worst critics, but so be it. If it gets me where I want to be, I’m there!

  9. Robin Debenport England says:

    I was surprised at how quickly I came up with my list. I want to look and feel younger for myself and for my husband and I want to wear some cute clothes that have been hanging in my closet for a couple of years. In short, I miss the before-I-had-kids me.

  10. Linda Baxter says:

    I’ve been working on this for 9 months now (weight loss and eating better) and my #1 motivator is my health- keeping my blood sugar regulated and my cholesterol in a normal range. 🙂 Of course like others said, fitting nicely in clothes isn’t so bad either! 🙂

  11. Janet Lovvorn Miller says:

    Motivation – don’t want to hate myself in pictures of me and my girls. My oldest is getting married in October and I want to look fabulous for the wedding. I also have 2 younger sisters who are size 2 at 40+ years old and I am tired of being the “fat” sister. 90 lbs is a big goal but hey, that’s only 10 lbs 9 times, right?

  12. Tanya Gonzales Pacheco says:

    As I read over the examples I was really struck by the fact that one really jumped out at me that I had never thought before…and I know that it was my REAL reason for wanting this…”I want to have a quiet and secure confidence about myself…” It hit me like big spot light to the face! That is what I’ve been wanting and craving!

  13. Angela M Frasca says:

    ok.. got a late start on Day 1 but completed it. Wasn’t as hard as I thought… probably because there are way too many reasons for me to lose weight. Right now, the number one reason is health related, as in ‘not just postponing but eliminating the need for leg surgery’.

  14. Jessica Trammel Wall says:

    My daughter is in Christian Character Clubs and the character they are working on is self-control-God helping me. I truly believe I need much more of this, so I can be healthy to be the right kind of mom and wife. Obviously I want to look great too. I’m ready for lasting change!

  15. Terry Currie says:

    To all who have posted I’ve responded to several and I’m hearing the same things. Confidence; weight loss and a healthier you. These are very good goals. Remember, we are all beautiful regardless of how we look. You are striving for a better you which will come in time. Keep up the good work and keep posting every day to make yourself accountable. Good Luck to everyone.

  16. Evelyn Woods Cox says:

    I, like so many others, feel a little vain and selfish, but it’s time to be honest…I want to feel like I’m pretty! I want to walk feeling confident that I look good. The other reason I want to lose weight is to feel that I can actually accomplish something…I don’t have a high belief in myself and/or my talents and abilities, and I’d love to be able to say I’ve done something amazing!

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