Day 1: Find Your Real (Not Pretend) Motivation | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

Welcome to Day 1 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon! Let the fun begin. 🙂

We only have 10 minutes, so I’m going to get straight to today’s action task. This task will provide fuel to fire your motivation for the month ahead. I suggest you read through the steps first, then take 10 minutes to work through the steps.

And because we only have 10 minutes, you need to move fast, act quickly and stop over-thinking. Just throw yourself in. Ready?

What You Need:

Step 1

Remember the 52 Weight Loss Missions sample you downloaded? If you haven’t already, please read pages 6, 7 and the top of page 8.

These pages talk about your genuine, fire-in-the-belly motivation for losing weight. Not why other people want you to lose weight. Not why you think you should lose weight. But the desire deep inside you. This is what we want to uncover.

Step 2

Write at least 20 endings to the sentence below. Write fast. Don’t censor yourself. Let your pen go where your critical, analytical mind might not let you.

I want to lose weight because…

Step 3

Now read back over your answers and pick one or to two that excite you.

Don’t be surprised if they aren’t the reasons you’ve been giving yourself for losing weight. If you’ve struggled to lose weight, then there’s a good chance your supposed reasons are not very powerful.

What you’ve just uncovered is a powerhouse of motivation. Let’s make sure we use it…

Step 4

Write the exciting reason(s) from Step 3 on some post-its, and put them in several places you’ll see them regularly, eg:

  • On your bathroom mirror
  • In your wallet
  • In your diary
  • On your computer
  • On the fridge door.

Let these reminders of your real motivation drive you over the next month.

Check in!

And you’re done! Be sure to leave your comment below to check in and stay accountable.

See you back here tomorrow.

Michele Connolly

Michele Connolly helps people move from procrastination to action. She believes that taking action on your priorities makes you a happier person. Michele is the founder of Get Organized Wizard and creator of tools for business, home, and personal organization. Her programs are used by tens of thousands of people worldwide.

566 thoughts on “Day 1: Find Your Real (Not Pretend) Motivation | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

  1. Carla Schell Bowling says:

    All done! All my reasons are vain – cheekbones, sundresses, skinny jeans. Also, I am graduating nursing school in May and starting my first RN job in June and I want to set a good example. It’s hard to tell people they need to lose weight when I need to do so myself!

  2. Carla Schell Bowling says:

    All done! All my reasons are vain – cheekbones, sundresses, skinny jeans. Also, I am graduating nursing school in May and starting my first RN job in June and I want to set a good example. It’s hard to tell people they need to lose weight when I need to do so myself!

  3. Marianne Gately says:

    I want to lose weight to feel attractive again for both my husband and myself. I also want to lose the weight because I need a double knee replacement as the result of a car accident in my twenties. Lose the weight, get new knees, become active again! Feel good about myself!

  4. Marianne Gately says:

    I want to lose weight to feel attractive again for both my husband and myself. I also want to lose the weight because I need a double knee replacement as the result of a car accident in my twenties. Lose the weight, get new knees, become active again! Feel good about myself!

  5. Sherry Dowdy says:

    I desire to be healthy, happy and positive and have financial peace while living in a happy, healthy, positive and financially peaceful environment. With weight loss and feeling better this could happen. Thank you.

  6. Sherry Dowdy says:

    I desire to be healthy, happy and positive and have financial peace while living in a happy, healthy, positive and financially peaceful environment. With weight loss and feeling better this could happen. Thank you.

  7. Laura Wells McGuire says:

    I had lost weight last year. I looked good, and felt great! Then I had to have ACL reconstruction surgery on my knee. I gained back all the weight I lost. I have really struggled to get back my strength. It has been depressing. It’s time to suck it up and get back in the game! I want to feel good about myself again.

  8. Laura Wells McGuire says:

    I had lost weight last year. I looked good, and felt great! Then I had to have ACL reconstruction surgery on my knee. I gained back all the weight I lost. I have really struggled to get back my strength. It has been depressing. It’s time to suck it up and get back in the game! I want to feel good about myself again.

  9. Nellie Fisher says:

    My Grandson just told me he lost 35 pounds. I was hoping he would for his health. I love him no matter what size he is but I’m so glad he was motivated on his own to lose weight & get healthy. Health is my motivation too. I’m 70 & taking no meds. Losing 30 pounds would definately improve my chances for a healthy future.

  10. Nellie Fisher says:

    My Grandson just told me he lost 35 pounds. I was hoping he would for his health. I love him no matter what size he is but I’m so glad he was motivated on his own to lose weight & get healthy. Health is my motivation too. I’m 70 & taking no meds. Losing 30 pounds would definately improve my chances for a healthy future.

  11. Pamela Gates Elzarian says:

    I want to lose weight to live longer, wear my favorite jean skirt, not worry about clothes that might make me look fatter, and I just want to feel great about myself. I want the control over me to be mine! Be wishes to all of you on this quest! It’s wonderful to be with you!

  12. Pamela Gates Elzarian says:

    I want to lose weight to live longer, wear my favorite jean skirt, not worry about clothes that might make me look fatter, and I just want to feel great about myself. I want the control over me to be mine! Be wishes to all of you on this quest! It’s wonderful to be with you!

  13. Amy Hays says:

    I found it incredibly hard to find 20 reasons… but I did enjoy this. If nothing else this should teach me to take some time for me everyday. WOW Leana Johnston Blain I LOVE what you said about loving your GOD when you can’t even love yourself. That is how I’ve been feeling for years. Thank you for sharing.

  14. Amy Hays says:

    I found it incredibly hard to find 20 reasons… but I did enjoy this. If nothing else this should teach me to take some time for me everyday. WOW Leana Johnston Blain I LOVE what you said about loving your GOD when you can’t even love yourself. That is how I’ve been feeling for years. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Sarah Strong says:

    1) To enjoy our upcoming Grand Canyon hike being lighter and in better shape, 2) To look hot in one-week-old baby/family photos (through adoption…on the waiting list), 3) To be a testimony of God’s strength in my life.

  16. Sarah Strong says:

    1) To enjoy our upcoming Grand Canyon hike being lighter and in better shape, 2) To look hot in one-week-old baby/family photos (through adoption…on the waiting list), 3) To be a testimony of God’s strength in my life.

  17. Michelle Alker says:

    The response(s) to this challenge have been very emotional. I feel apart of something bigger than my wanting feel better in my clothes. Every post is an encouragement to the next and I feel connected and moved to be mindful of others on their journey as well. TAWANDA! 🙂

  18. Michelle Alker says:

    The response(s) to this challenge have been very emotional. I feel apart of something bigger than my wanting feel better in my clothes. Every post is an encouragement to the next and I feel connected and moved to be mindful of others on their journey as well. TAWANDA! 🙂

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