Day 1: Find Your Real (Not Pretend) Motivation | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

Welcome to Day 1 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon! Let the fun begin. 🙂

We only have 10 minutes, so I’m going to get straight to today’s action task. This task will provide fuel to fire your motivation for the month ahead. I suggest you read through the steps first, then take 10 minutes to work through the steps.

And because we only have 10 minutes, you need to move fast, act quickly and stop over-thinking. Just throw yourself in. Ready?

What You Need:

Step 1

Remember the 52 Weight Loss Missions sample you downloaded? If you haven’t already, please read pages 6, 7 and the top of page 8.

These pages talk about your genuine, fire-in-the-belly motivation for losing weight. Not why other people want you to lose weight. Not why you think you should lose weight. But the desire deep inside you. This is what we want to uncover.

Step 2

Write at least 20 endings to the sentence below. Write fast. Don’t censor yourself. Let your pen go where your critical, analytical mind might not let you.

I want to lose weight because…

Step 3

Now read back over your answers and pick one or to two that excite you.

Don’t be surprised if they aren’t the reasons you’ve been giving yourself for losing weight. If you’ve struggled to lose weight, then there’s a good chance your supposed reasons are not very powerful.

What you’ve just uncovered is a powerhouse of motivation. Let’s make sure we use it…

Step 4

Write the exciting reason(s) from Step 3 on some post-its, and put them in several places you’ll see them regularly, eg:

  • On your bathroom mirror
  • In your wallet
  • In your diary
  • On your computer
  • On the fridge door.

Let these reminders of your real motivation drive you over the next month.

Check in!

And you’re done! Be sure to leave your comment below to check in and stay accountable.

See you back here tomorrow.

Michele Connolly

Michele Connolly helps people move from procrastination to action. She believes that taking action on your priorities makes you a happier person. Michele is the founder of Get Organized Wizard and creator of tools for business, home, and personal organization. Her programs are used by tens of thousands of people worldwide.

566 thoughts on “Day 1: Find Your Real (Not Pretend) Motivation | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon

  1. Dina Youtz says:

    My Dad is only 69 right now and going through a myriad of severe health issues all because he has been severely overweight his entire life and not taken proper care of himself. My mother died almost 4 years ago due to complications from not controlling her diabetes. I want to lose weight so I change my family tree! I want my daughter (and hopefully other children) to have a healthy, happy and fit mama who not only insists that they eat healthy and are active, but is a fabulous health role model.

  2. Karen Smith says:

    This may be a little selfish- cancer is taking my breast and a reduction is in my future- I will look a lot better if I can reduce the rest of me to match my smaller breasts- It hasn’t happened yet but probably this month-

  3. Leana Johnston Blain says:

    Okay… as vain and selfish as it sounds (and believe you me, this is the hardest part – admitting the real reason why) I want to loose weight cause I want to look pretty again – not just have people say it, but I don’t want to have my back shelf anymore and I want to FEEL pretty myself… AND I want to loose weight cause I want to be able to keep up with my kids and not get winded after walking to the park (literally a 2 min walk from my house).
    I know that I’m not supposed to worry about the outside, but how am I supposed to be able to love my God with all my heart when I can’t even like myself?

  4. Bev Blanton Walker says:

    I want to look good in my clothes again. Also, I want to prevent Type II Diabetes. Both of my brothers, who are younger than me, have been diagnoses with Type II Diabetes and are on insulin. I do not want to live that way!

  5. Denise Chevalier says:

    I had no idea such a simple exercise could be so enlightening. I want to lose weight so that I can feel sexy again!!!!! That is far for the reason I thought I wanted to lose weight. I think this is going to work.

  6. Amy Bright says:

    I decided my #1 motivation is to have more self-confidence/be more confident…so I wrote “be confident” on 3 post-its and put them on my desk (where I spend most of my day), on the fridge at eye level and in my wallet to remind me not to eat out or buy fast food.

  7. Pingback: I Don't Want To Go To The Gym Today | 52 WLM

  8. Pingback: Day 15: Stop Making Lame Excuses | 30-Day Weight Loss-athon | 52 WLM

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